
2021.6- 至今  山东师范大学太阳集团娱乐所有网站app 讲师

2016.9-2021.6 山东师范大学太阳集团娱乐所有网站app 获博士学位

2013.9-2016.6 山东师范大学太阳集团娱乐所有网站app 获硕士学位

2009.9-2013.6 济南大学教育与心理科学学院 获学士学位


British Journal of Educational Psychology学术期刊审稿人

Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society(MCLS)会员




学习心理 数学认知


数学焦虑 数量表征 自我调节学习




1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“儿童数学焦虑变化的个体-环境交互作用:基因-脑-行为研究”(31971010),在研,参与

2. 教育部人文社会科学规划基金项目“儿童数学焦虑的认知根源及其与数学表现的双向关系:行为与脑研究”(18YJA190014),在研,参与

3. 山东省博士研究生教育国际项目“The Relationship between Parent-involved Education and Mathematics Anxiety in Primary School Children: A Longitudinal Study”,结题,主持

4. 研究生科研创新基金“工作记忆系统、近似数量表征对个体算术估计策略运用的影响”,结题,主持


1. Xue, X., Wang, Y., Li, H., Gao, J., Si, J. (2021). The association between mathematical attitudes, academic procrastination and mathematical achievement among primary school students: The moderating effect of mathematical metacognition. Current Psychology, Advance Online Publication. doi: 10.1007/s12144-021-02133-4 (SSCI一区, IF = 4.297)

2. Li, H., Zhang, A., Zhang, M., Huang, B., Zhao, X., Gao, J., Si, J. (2021). Concurrent and longitudinal associations between parent education involvement and math anxiety: The role of perceived teacher support and math learning involvement in primary children. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 66, 101984. doi: 10.1016/j.cedpsych.2021.101984 (SSCI一区, IF = 4.277)

3. Guan, D., Ai, J., Gao, Y., Li, H., Huang, B., Si, J. (2021). Non-symbolic representation is modulated by math anxiety and cognitive inhibition while symbolic representation not. Psychological Research, 85(4), 1662–1672. doi: 10.1007/s00426-020-01356-7 (SSCI二区, IF = 2.956)

4. Tian, X., Huang, B., Li, H., Xie, S., Afzal, K., Si, S., Hu, D. (2021). The relationship between family rearing style and career decision-making difficulties of college students: The mediating role of calling and core self-evaluation. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 661600. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.661600 (SSCI二区, IF = 2.99)

5. 赵晓萌, 张傲雪, 张明亮, 李红霞, 司继伟(2021). 父母教育卷入与小学儿童数学焦虑的纵向联系: 数学态度的中介作用. 心理发展与教育, 37(5), 683–690

6. 李杨, 黄碧娟, 李红霞, 司继伟(2021). 初一学生数学学习动机和坚持性: 数学-性别刻板印象的影响. 数学教育学报, 拟刊发

7. 吴甲旺, 李红霞, 司继伟(2021). 小学低年级儿童的计算流畅性与数学焦虑: 基于变量为中心和个体为中心的分析. 心理发展与教育, 拟刊发

8. 薛笑然, 黄碧娟, 李红霞, 赵晓萌, 司继伟(2021). 小学儿童数学态度与数学成就的纵向联系: 有调节的中介模型. 心理发展与教育, 录用

9. Li, H., Hua, X., Yang, Y., Huang, B., Si, J. (2020). How does task switching affect arithmetic strategy use in children with low mathematics achievement? Evidence from computational estimation. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 35(1), 225–240. doi: 10.1007/s10212-019-00425-9 (SSCI二区, IF = 2.663)

10. 张佳佳, 李红霞, 张明亮, 赵晓萌, 司继伟(2019). 小学儿童感知到的教师支持、数学自我效能感与数学成绩的联系: 有调节的中介模型. 心理与行为研究, 17(5), 644–651

11. Huang, B., Zhao, X., Li, H., Yang, W., Cui, S., Gao, J., Si, J. (2019). Arithmetic skill may refine the performance of individuals with high math anxiety, especially in the calculation task: An ERP study. Scientific Reports, 9, 13283. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-49627-7 (SCI一区, IF = 4.379)

12. 李红霞, 张佳佳, 赵霞, 司继伟, 黄碧娟(2019). 大学生认识论信念/自我调节学习与学业拖延的联系: 有调节的中介模型. 心理发展与教育, 35(5), 557–565

13. 张明亮, 司继伟, 杨伟星, 邢淑芬, 李红霞, 张佳佳(2018). BDNF基因rs6265多态性与父母教育卷入对小学儿童基本数学能力的交互作用. 心理学报, 50(9), 1007–1017

14. 宗正, 李红霞, 司继伟(2018). 口算形式对不同近似数量敏锐度儿童心算表现的影响. 心理与行为研究, 16(4), 505–511

15. Li, H., Zhang, M., Wang, X., Ding, X., Si, J. (2018). Central executive mediates the relationship between children’s approximate number system acuity and arithmetic strategy utilization in computational estimation. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 943. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00943 (SSCI 二区, IF = 2.089)

16. 杨伟星, 张堂正, 李红霞, 张佳佳, 司继伟(2018). 数学困难儿童估算策略运用的中央执行负荷效应. 心理学报, 50(5), 501–516

17. 杨伟星, 张明亮, 李红霞, 杨雅琳, 司继伟(2017). 人类基本数学能力的进化证据. 心理科学进展, 25(5), 810–824

18. Si, J., Li, H.,, Sun, Y., Xu, Y., & Sun, Y. (2016). Age-related differences of individuals’ arithmetic strategy utilization with different level of math anxiety. Frontiers in Psychology, 7,1612. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01612 (SSCI 二区, IF = 2.463)

19. 李红霞, 司继伟, 陈泽建, 张堂正(2015). 人类的近似数量系统. 心理科学进展, 23(4), 562–570


1.Li, H., Zhang, A., Gao, J., & Si, J. (2020). The relationship between parent-involved education and mathematics anxiety in primary school children: A longitudinal study. The 32nd International Congress of Psychology, Prague, Czech

2.Li, H., Zhang, M., Cui, S., & Si, J. (2018). The time course of central executive loads affect adults’ strategy execution in arithmetic with different level of approximate number system acuity. The 1st Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Conference, Oxford, UK

3.Li, H., Si, J., Zhang, M., & Huang, B. (2016). Approximate number system mediates the relationship between working memory and arithmetical estimation strategy utilization of Chinese children. The 31st International of Congress Psychology. Yokohama, Japan


1. 参编《青少年心理发展与教育》(张大均主编,全国教育硕士统编教材)。人民教育出版社,2021年8月



1. 山东省研究生优秀成果一等奖,2019年(排名第3位)

2. 第十六届全省心理科学优秀成果一等奖,2019年(排名第1位)

3. 山东省高等学校人文社科优秀成果奖一等奖,2017年(排名第2位)

4. 第十四届全省心理科学优秀成果特等奖,2017年(排名第1位)


